Choosing the right transport crate for animals during a flight is crucial to ensure that the journey is as stress-free and safe as possible for the animal. Here are some reasons why suitable transport boxes are of great importance:
- Safety of the animal: A well-fitting transport box offers the animal protection and safety during the flight. The crate should be stable and unbreakable to prevent injury in the event of turbulence or other unexpected events.
- Regulations and standards: Airlines and international regulations set certain standards for animal transport. The crate must meet these standards in order to be accepted. An incorrect size or design may result in the animal not being able to fly.
- Comfort of the animal: An appropriately sized transport box allows the animal to lie down, stand up and turn around comfortably. This helps to minimise stress for the animal as it has enough space to feel comfortable during the flight.
- Ventilation and temperature: The crate should be sufficiently ventilated to ensure good air circulation. It is also important that the box can withstand the temperatures in the aircraft’s cargo hold. Some airlines have special requirements for ventilation and temperature control.
- Identification and labelling: The transport box should be clearly labelled with the owner’s contact information and the necessary markings. This makes it easier for staff to contact the owner in the event of unforeseen circumstances or an emergency.
- Weight restrictions: Airlines often have weight restrictions on all luggage, including the carrier. A well-fitting crate can help keep the total weight within the permitted limits.
- Fulfilment of emotional needs: Some animals may be anxious or stressed during the flight. A transport crate that is well suited to the animal can provide some familiarity through familiar smells or blankets and help to fulfil the animal’s emotional needs.
Overall, choosing the right pet carrier is crucial for the pet’s safety, comfort and well-being during the flight. Pet owners should find out in advance about the airline’s requirements and ensure that the carrier meets the standards to ensure a smooth journey for their beloved pet. We can help you with this!